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Come and visit the oldest emu farm in the world and walk amongst the emus and chicks!

This Emu Farm is situated 90 kilometers from Perth and 10 kilometers from Toodyay on the Clackline Road and is open to the public from 10.00am - 12pm and 1pm - 4.00pm, 3 days a week (Friday, Saturday, Sunday). (school and coach groups by appointment) Cost of tour is 5.00 per adult, 3.00 for school age children. A guided tour will take about 40 minutes. 

Visitors will be able to view adult emus, nests and chicks in their enclosed but natural bush setting, the incubation and hatching process in season. Emus lay their eggs from April through to August and chicks may hatch from July through to October.

The emu shop offers products, such as leather garments, carved and non-carved eggs, therapeutic oils, cosmetics, soap, feathers and emu meat. Ice-creams, cool drinks, tea and coffee are also available. Inside and outside tables and chairs, barbecues and toilet facilities are available.

For bookings please contact the Free Range Emu Farm hosts:

Phone: ( (International )

Latest News

We do not have any fresh eggs. New season’s eggs available from May 2021.

We are open for tours 10 - 12 and 1 - 4 Friday, Saturday and Sunday only. School and coach groups by appointment.

The egg laying season began in April, 2020. Our emus generally start laying their eggs three weeks before our opening Winter rains.

The emus usually finish laying their eggs by mid August - September.

Chicks will not be available for sale in 2020 due to unforeseen circumstances.

Why not take a tour of our farm and see the males sitting on eggs in mid Winter? Natural incubation may finish at the end of August 2020.

Fresh eggs available until the end of August, 2020. Product available in Uniquely Toodyay seven days a week.

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